Ok, Ok, One last project before I Close the Shop for the Holidays.
The a

ssignment- Make this old Chair presentable again!! Well how could I resist, Look at it's cute shape!!!!!! but it had seen better days for sure! ( apparently the Cat took a shinning to it and used it as a scratching post) . Oh yah and it will need 2 "outfits" one for Spring/Summer and another for Fall/ Winter. Special instructions from the Client- Just do what you do!!!!
OK , I love this kind of Project!!!

First Spring/ Summer! Sweet Peaches and Cream
Chenille!(The Clients Fabric, an old Bedspread)

Now on to Fall /Winter.... A gorgeous Floral ~Wonderful to work with.
(Again the Clients Fabric, they used to be her living room curtains Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!!!! )

Thank you Cathy for letting me Re-Create
Your Sweet chair!!!!