Well here is the Slipcover that I just finished for a sweet client and yes it was another one of those projects done with fabric that was toooooo thick I mean it worked but boy are my hands and back sore when I finished up with This project. Oh well its done and my client was happy with the end result. Don't you just want to curl up in that chair?

Oh yeah and for the confession.... I SUCK at kick pleats! or at least I did, I could never get them even I would pin and measure and pin and measure bit since I don't have a walking foot that I can use with piping, things would always shift and never end up where I wanted them and with kick pleats you really need them right where you need them.
Well let me just tell you that this is no longer a problem for me because of these sweet little babies

Angie over at Sew it Yourself Slipcovers has the perfect tool! it worked like a dream.
I just cut my skirt out in one long strip and then pleated as I came to my corners. Perfect perfect!! I cant wait to try these out on a knife pleated skirt.
Thank you Angie you are a genius!