Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ready Set Go

Where to start? well I guess I should start with how I came to learn about blogging, My Girlfriend Deanna first introduced me to the whole thing and now I cant get enough of looking around on all the different blogs to see what people are talking about and doing what a great way to find inspiration! I am looking forward to posting often and providing a format for people to view my past and present projects. My main focus right now is on Slipcovers I have been slip covering furniture on a regular basis for about 5 years now, and am always excited to find out what is around the next creative corner. I'm always on the lookout for fun old pieces of furniture mostly chairs to slipcover. This is an exciting time for me as my Honey is in the proses of building my new Studio, a nice sized addition to our home so that I can take work in without disrupting family life. At present I work out of our down stairs living area which is sometimes inconvenient, but... where there's a will there's a way, right : )